Christmas Diet Challenge

Christmas Diet Challenge

The Christmas Diet Challenge

OMG… Christmas Dinner, with turkey, stuffing, pigs in blankets, all those wonderful trimmings, and yes, those controversial brussel sprouts as well. The magnificent christmas pudding, set alight with Rum, (or Brandy, if you prefer), with even more Rum added to the sauce, (smells gorgeous, and my taste buds are dancing at the thought), has hardly been digested. Christmas Diet ChallengeThen, the dreaded diet word has already landed on everyone’s lips. But this year is going to be different. I started my Christmas Diet Challenge on the 27th September. Yes, 12 full weeks before the big day.

Why A 12 Week Christmas Diet Challenge?

Well, 12 weeks is plenty of time to lose those extra few pounds I’ve gained, like half the country, throughout lockdown. And by calling it my Christmas diet challenge, it gives me a really good focal point, and a really big ‘WHY‘ My reason for doing it. Which should see me through! Plus, autumn has arrived, and we all know what that means, less outdoor activities and even more hot delicious food. Sounds great doesn’t it. Mmmm… But…! Not for the waistline.

So by focusing on a Christmas Challenge, dropping a few of those excess pounds, not only am I getting a really good head start before Christmas arrives, but I’m also doing a fantastic job at weight management. And let’s face it, the colder, autumn/winter months, can really mess up our plans when it comes to weight-loss management, if we take our eye off the ball.

My Big Reason

But the real biggie for me. I can relax and enjoy Christmas with the family, without the worry of gaining so much weight that guilt ruins it for me. I want to enjoy Christmas, and be able to over indulge, if I want to. Mince pies, sweets, the tins of chocolates, and please, let’s not forget the shortbread biscuits.

Doing my diet challenge in the 12 weeks leading up to Christmas, has so many extra benefits. Ever hered the saying, “It’s to late shutting the stable door, after the horse got out” Well its kind of true. It easier losing weight because you really want to. It’s also easier if you have a big goal to work towards. But let’s clarify that a little. It’s never to late to start, there’s just easy times to start.

So How’s It Going?

Well, I started on Step 2, that’s 3 products per day, of around 200 calories each. Then a regular meal of about the same 200 calories. So 800kcals per day. I’ve set myself a target of 21 pounds, (1.5 stone). And I plan to move up the Steps in the last 4 weeks. Christmas Diet challenge The first 3 weeks went basically to plan. I was really pleased with my losses, slow and steady, and dropping as planned. Half a Stone in 3 weeks, (7pounds), I was well on target.

A third of the way to goal and only 25% of the time. Brilliant! Week 4 however, slight hiccup! Well, sometimes life just gets in way. Family, meetings, birthdays, then there’s the self sabotaging, that’s the worst. I think it comes from boredom, you’re not hungry,  just bored! I gained 2 pounds, I was devastated. This would have derailed me years ago, but not this time. I dusted myself off, reminded myself why I was doing it, and got right back on it .

Mindset Adjustment Sorted 

Week 5 was brilliant I lost 5 pounds. Got the 2 I gained, back off, and added another 3 to the minus column. Week 5 was a great week and refocused my determination to reach goal. Just goes to show that if your readjust your mindset and re-focus, little mistakes, stay as little mistakes.

There’s no need for complete derailment. Week 6 was another 2 pounds off. I’m now at minus 12 pound in 6 weeks, so back on target again. I’ve also noticed I’m sleeping better again, which as a effect of losing weight, is a pleasant bonus! Week 7 saw just 1 pound, its another loss, so the trend is still going towards a great Christmas. Christmas Diet Challenge week 8 Week 8 and it’s a brilliant 4 pounds lost. I’m so pleased I’m doing this Christmas Diet Challenge. Its going to be a brilliant Christmas this year. A total so far of 17 pounds lost and only 4 more to reach target.

Moving Up The Steps

Week 9 will see a change in plan, as I’m moving to step 3. This will allow an extra 200 calories every day, giving me a new daily calorie intake of 1000. But the best part is that I can still continue to lose weight. While at the same time indulging in a few extra calories.This will allow my body to become familiar with a little extra regular food every day. Stepping up this way allows the body to adapt slowly, and really benefits you long term for good weight management.

In addition, the extra calories will allow for a little more exercise, mainly strength training, resistance bands in particular. Resistance training helps maintain muscle, and the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest. In my mind it’s a double bonus. Look good and feel fitter, and at the same time my body starts working for me by burning the fat while I’m resting.

What Have I Been Eating? Well, I’m Pleased You Asked!

As you know, I’m on The Cambridge Diet, (actually, its The 1:1 Diet now), and it’s meal replacement products. About 3 and a half years ago when I did my weight-loss journey, I mainly had the apple and cinnamon porridge, and a few bars. I was never adventurous enough to try all the other meals in the range. The Porridge worked for me, it was fulfilling, and I hardly ever felt hungry, so the old saying, if it ain’t broke… came to mind!

Mixing It Up This Time

This time is a little different. I’m mixing it up a bit, and loving it. I’m still enjoying my porridge,Really tasty soups but I’m having the mixed berry and the original as well this time. Soups are great as well, especially the Chicken ‘n’ Mushroom and the Vegetable with Croutons. If you like noodles, there’s the Chicken Noodle Soup, and for a taste of Asia, don’t forget the Oriental Chilli Soup.

Loving the savoury meals Loving the savoury meals as well. Regularly having Mac Cheese, Spag Bol and Tikka Vhicken Curry. Again, im finding they’re satisfying my hunger, are really tasty and there’s a great variety of to choose from. Sometimes I have the Thai green curry with noodles, as a side dish, with baked cod or smoked haddock. A few florets of cauliflower and broccoli, and it’s like being out for dinner. Certainly doesn’t feel like I’m on a diet trying to lose weight before Christmas.

So much To Choose From

Smoothie's to die for!Some days I don’t fancy a savoury meal or soup, so I go with a shake or smoothie. The Blackcurrant and Apple smoothie wins my vote, mind you, the strawberry and banana with oats, comes in a close second. For chocolate lovers, there’s the chocolate, or chocolate mint shakes, there nice, but I’m not really a big chocolate fan. And if I’m out and about, I take a bar with me. So convenient, and really helps stop temptation if I’ve popped in somewhere for a pot of tea. My favourites have always been the apple and cinnamon and lemon yoghurt bars.

New Products

But the new Cookies and Cream bar, is definitely moving up the charts, in the last few weeks. On a side note, the new Sweet ‘n’ Sour with noodles, savoury meal, has this week, hit the number 1 spot. It’s great with roasted chicken breast and green beens. With these new products being added to the range, I’m not sure if I want this challenge to ever end.

But… Back To The Christmas Diet Challenge

With the challenge being two thirds complete, only 4 weeks of the original 12 weeks left, and my weight loss being well on track, ahead really, I’m kind of thinking, this Christmas is going to be brilliant. No worrying about putting a few pounds on, or not enjoying an extra portion of Christmas pudding with Rum sauce. No, this Christmas is going to be fantastic.

And after all the restrictions, and lockdowns, it really needs to be extra special this year, for everyone!

So if I only lose just 1 pound each week, for the next 4 weeks I’ve hit target. But you know what, I’m guessing that I’m going to smash my original target, and probably lose an extra 3 – 5 pounds. Which isn’t a bad result, as I’m definitely having seconds on the Christmas pudding!

A Few Clients Have Joined The Christmas Diet Challenge

This year a good number of clients have joined me in the Christmas Challenge, and the results are amazing! Two clients have already smashed there target’s, losing over 2 and a half stone each. Another 3 clients are very close to losing 2 stone. And 4 have just reached a stone and a half. I’m so pleased for everyone who is taking part, and the difference it’s making to their lives. I really think its going to be a wonderful Christmas this year.

It’s Not Too Late To Join The Challenge 

For anyone thinking it’s too late to join the Christmas Diet Challenge, it’s not! There’s still 4 weeks until the big day, ample time to drop quite a few pound along the way. If you’re interested, then please get in touch for a chat about your options.

I hope everyone has a brilliant Christmas this year, and hopefully you’ve been good enough for Santa to treat you extra special.

P.S… I’ll update you in the new year how the next 4 weeks go!  Merry Christmas everyone!


Philip Eley – The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan – Sunderland

📞 07827447247



#BeMoreEley #TheHouseofEley #One2OneDiet #ChristmasDiet #SlimByChristmas #ChristmasDietChallenge #MealReplacementProducts

Autumn Gardening

Autumn Gardening

Autumn Gardening – It’s All About Preparing For Spring

As autumn set in and the days get shorter and darker, autumn gardening mainly consists of preparing for the coming spring. There’s the final tidy-up, getting everything prepared for the coming winter months.

There is of course, pruning, and more pruning, seems to go on forever. And kind of looks all bare and sort of sad and lonely, but also, the thought of the new potential you are developing for next year, when everything springs back to life and is wonderful again.

There’s also the mulching to add extra nutrients into the soil and help improvethe structure. Two or three inches of really good composted farmyard manure, should do the trick. Not only will this add extra nutrients to the soil, but it will help protect, to some degree, tender plant roots from the worst of the winter temperatures.

So when everything is all prepared, tidy-up completed and tools washed and oiled ready for the following season, what’s left to be done in our gardening?

Bulb Planning

Planting your bulbs
Time to plant your bulbs

I get excited every year when it comes to planting spring flowering bulbs. Of course, like almost everyone, I love the daffodils, especially the double petal varieties, like ‘Cheerfulness’ ‘Ice King’ and my personal favourite ‘Bridal Crown’. Not only are these daffodils a kind of showoff with their double blooms, but they also have wonderful scents.

Tulips are another popular spring flowering bulb, reliable and consistent, well for me they are, year after year they appear like clockwork. Never lift them, just make sure I let them die back at there own pace, with plenty of liquid seaweed feed.

I occasionally like to add a few new varieties, and this year its going to be, a double variety called ‘Angelique’. An outstanding Tulip with blooms that are a ‘soft blush pink‘ that tends to deepen with age, developing a rich apple blossom ink at the edges, and green markings on the outside.

Time to plant bulbs

My second choice this year has to be ‘Black Parrot’. Dramatic blackish-purple, cup-shaped flowers with irregularly cut wavy petals on sturdy stems. Should look spectacular planted in clusters along with Angelique for contrast. Two new colour’s. Dramatic blackish-purple and a stunning soft blush pink. Hopefully they’ll make a great addition and look fabulous come the spring.

Star Of The Show

But the star of the show for myself, has to be the humble Hyacinth. They look fantastic, smell gorgeous and naturalise brilliantly. I planted 5 in a pot 3 years ago, I’ve lifted them in July ready to relocate this year, and 27 bulbs came out. Yep 5 turned into 27 that’s 22 free new plants for free, what more could you ask for.

Hyacinth Gypsy Queen
Gypsy Queen

This year I’m adding to the Hyacinth collection with. ‘Gypsy Queen’. A stunning peachy/orange flower with an intense perfume. It should start flowering in March and April, and they tend to last for weeks.

Hyacinth Peter Stuyvesant
Peter Stuyvesant

Another new bulb I’m adding to the Hyacinth collection this year is called ‘Peter Stuyvesant’. A deep, dark violet blue with a highly sweet fragrance. It should look fantastic next to the double daffodils ‘Replete’ another favourite of mine.

This year I’m also going to try a few muscari bulbs. Also known as the grape Hyacinth, because of their urn-shaped flowers resembling bunches of grapes. Commonly blue, but there are other colours available. I’m going with a mixture, to complement the tulips and daffodils for mid spring colour.

I Plant Late And Deep

Mid to late November is the idea time for putting tulips into the ground, but a maybe a few weeks late for others like hyacinths or muscari. On that idea disagree. But feel free to follow your own routine. I tend to go with what has always worked for me.

I also plant slightly deeper than recommended adding an extra 2 inches at least. I think this helps protect them from the extremes of the weather, and really helps with naturalisation. They may flower a week or two later than normal, but with the British weather, that’s not really a great disadvantage.

Autumn Gardening – Its A Waiting Game

Tic toc tic toc
Tic . Toc . Tic . Toc…

Now its the frustration of waiting for nature to take it course, and show its results. We’ve done what we need to. Prepared the soil, planted the bulbs, mulched the surface to add extra nutrients, but like anything that’s going to look fabulous, the one eliminate we cannot control, ‘TIME’. As the weeks pass, we tend to forget those bulbs we planted, and continue to attend to the everyday things that need our attention.

The weeks become months and suddenly, there’s signs of life sprouting, teasing us with a promise of beautiful thing to come in just a few short weeks. Then, as if suddenly, the garden Is full of colour and gorgeous fragrance. The waiting, actually didn’t seem that long after all. You can now thank yourself for the hard work you put in in the autumn.

Autumn Gardening And Weight-Loss

I often think about how weight-loss journeys are so much like autumn gardening. Both take time to show fantastic results, results that were really worth waiting for. Both offer the same frustration while waiting, yet once there the wait didn’t seem that long after all.

I think like gardening, anything that is worth doing, really does needs the journey of time to produce the best results. And just like the bulbs turning into beautiful flowers, we also need the time to transition and become new.

Be A Bulb

Like the bulbs, we’re also growing, most of the time it’s hard to see progress, the bulbs grow for months underground, invisible to the eye, but they are growing. Be a bulb Then a small sign of life pops up. A tip pushes up through the surface, giving promise of  further development and spring flowers and gorgeous fragrance. Again it seems to take weeks, even months for the magic to happen. But when it does the final results are amazing!

Our weight-loss journeys are very similar, weeks go by with little to really see. Yes the scales show losses, our clothes seem to fit a little better, but it can be hard for the eye to recognise a major difference. Like the bulbs, endurance and being persistent, keep going and the miracle will happen. Its when you get the recognition from friends and colleagues , “WOW! OMG you’ve lost so much weight, you look fantastic!” That we really bloom!

Nature is brilliant and can teach us so much if we listen carefully, and try to emulate a few of it’s habits, especially patience. It takes time to grow, rise up, and reach our full potential.


Philip Eley – The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan – Sunderland

📞 07827447247



#BeMoreEley #TheHouseofEley #CambridgeDiet #One2OneDiet #Dieting #Weightlosssupport  #weightlossjourney #weightloss #Cambridgediet #Riseuptogether #Transition 

Christmas at the garden center

Christmas At The Garden Center

Isn’t Christmas at the garden center brilliant.

Christmas at the garden center Just sort of puts you in the mood for turkey and stuffing, (nut roast if you’re vegetarian I guess), and of course a mince pie! Don’t you just love Christmas time at the garden center!

There’s so much choice, trees, of course, ornaments, tinsel, and loads of tree toppers. There’s christmas cards for about anyone you can think of, all beautifully designed. Christmas crackers of varying designs, and loads and loads of Christmas fairy lights. Think I might become bankrupt in here if I stay too long! Guess that’s why the Christmas music is playing, it’s so persuasive!

Christmas display at the garden center

There’s a gift section, with the usual tins of biscuits, scarfs and gloves, and they have the daft stuff the kids give to dad. (You know, the book of dad jokes and the like!).

A Welcome Break

The coffee shop offers a welcome break, and gives the old plates of meat, (feet to us northerns), a few minutes of grateful rest. Nice pot of tea and browse through my Christmas lists for 20 minutes, before pushing on. I’m currently on my 12 week Christmas Challenge. I don’t have much weight to lose, so just trimming up and dropping a few extra pounds before the big day arrives. So as much as I really want a mince pie, I’m being good… Honestly!

But back to task, it’s the bulbs section I’m after, no not Christmas bulbs, as tempting as they are, its the planting kind I’m after, tulips in particular. Oh and a few muscari, well I thought why not try them this year.

Bulbs sorted, and at a bargain price with 50% off, reward for planting slightly later than usual. (must remember this for next year).

A final look around the outdoor plants, again there might be extra bargains to be had. Unfortunately not, but got a few new ideas which I may follow up later.

Final perusal of the Christmas stuff and time to head home before the rush hour starts. All in all, enjoyable couple of hours downtime, tasks accomplished and a nice pot of tea.

Now I’m getting excited about spring season and seeing my new tulips in all their glory,  oh and Christmas if course.Christmas at the garden center


All in all, Christmas at the garden center, is looking brilliant as usual…! 


Philip Eley – The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan – Sunderland

📞 07827447247



#BeMoreEley #TheHouseofEley #CambridgeDiet #One2OneDiet #SlimByChristmas #ChristmasDiet 

Drinking More Water Can Help You Lose Weight

Drinking More Water Can Help You Lose Weight

How Drinking More Water Can Help You Lose Weight

For decades it has been widely known that drinking more water can help you lose weight. There are numerous research studies showing that increasing your daily water intake, not only benefits weight-loss, but also helps with maintaining your loses after your weight-loss journey finishes. You just need to keep drinking the stuff!

Drinking Water Can Help Burn More Calories

Research has shown that drinking 500ml of cold water increases the amount of calories you burn, (20% – 30% boost), for up to an hour, by increasing your, resting metabolic rate (RMR). The best way to kick start your metabolism everyday is to drink at least 500ml of water every morning when you wake up. Drink waterThen after 30-45 minutes have breakfast. Not only does this rehydrate your body for the day ahead, but it also helps flush out the toxins. Continue throughout the day with your water intake, grabbing a total of between 2.5 and 4.0 litres. This will not only keep you well hydrated and satiated, it will help with overall energy and body efficiency.

Suppressed Appetite

Drinking 500ml of cold water 30-45 minutes before a meal can actually suppress your appetite, reduce bloating and help with digestion. The benefits of reducing appetite for weight-loss, simply means you’ll eat less calories and still be satiated. In addition drinking water before meals everyday can play an important role in weight management. And in many cases help prevent weight gain.

Other Benefits Of Drinking More Water

There are many benefits to drinking water other than to help with either weight-loss or weight management. These include, but are not limited too,

  • Reduction in headaches or migraine
  • Alleviation of constipation
  • Help with physical performance
  • Helps with energy brain performance
  • Mood
  • Helps with kidney stones
  • Complete Hydration

Bear in mind that you also get water from the foods you eat, (meat, fish and especially fruits and vegetables). as well as from beverages, such as coffee, tea and milk. Time for a cuppaYou should always drink water when you’re thirsty, and drink enough to quench your thirst. Hunger may not be actually hunger, it may be thirst disguised. So try drinking 500ml of water first, wait about 30 minutes, if you’re still hungry, then it’s time to eat. Headaches, bad moods, concentration and hunger could all be early warning signs of mild dehydration.

The Bottom Line

Our bodies are made of between 50 – 65% water, (50-60% for women / 60-65% for men). Its the most important single thing we need to survive, without water you’d be dead within days rather than weeks. The body needs varying  amounts of water, (depending upon things like age, sex, height and gender), to carry out many essential functions, such as balancing the internal temperature and keeping cells alive. Not only does it keep us alive, it flushes out the waste materials, and aids in helping us stay healthy. It helps with energy, physical activity, and can play a major role in weight-loss and weight management. And the best part, all you have to do is drink enough, (2.5 to 4 litres), everyday, and the body will do the rest for you.

So the message is…. Just drink it 


Philip Eley – The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan – Sunderland

📞 07827447247



#BeMoreEley #TheHouseofEley #CambridgeDiet #One2OneDiet  #Sunderland #Washington #Wearside  #weightlossjourney

Heart Health

Exercise Is Good For The Heart

Good Heart Exercises

Being born with an hereditary heart decease, like myself, is something that is totally out of your control, it’s simply genetics. Heart HealthDeveloping a heart decease on the other hand, may be down to lifestyle choices. Either way having a heart condition should not prevent you from leading a healthy life. ‘Exercise is good for the heart’. There are many ways to stay healthy, and incorporate exercise into your daily life, even when your heart isn’t in top-top condition. Lets explore a few here.

Walking is Good For The Heart

In fact, walking is a great exercise for every part of your life, not just for heart health. Just 30 minutes of walking every day can have positive impact on your hearts health. Walking increases your heart rate just enough to exercise the heart, without putting any undue pressure on the cardiac muscle. Find a pace that’s comfortable, but more than a stroll or simple amble. Depending upon your fitness levels, and current heart condition, maybe you could consider a more vigorous walk, like power walking. This is generally faster and is going to get you slightly out of breath faster than your regular walk.

Walking For Weight Loss

Losing weight should always be medically monitored when there’s a heart condition involved. That being done, a combination of both power, (briskly), walking and regular walking, can have brilliant benefits. Weight-Loss is just one benefit of regular exercise. Other include

  • Improved blood circulation
  • Reduced hypertension
  • Improved joint mobility
  • Helps prevent Type 2 Diabetes
  • Strengthens bones
  • Improved digestion

Research has also found that exercise, (walking), not only helps with weight-loss, but in addition, has associated benefits for mental health as well.

Strength Training

Again this needs to be medically monitored and approved by your doctors prior to the commencement of anything that will put undue pressure or strain on the heart. But strength training does not mean spending hour after hour in the gym, far from it. Lifting weights is generally good for everyone, to some degree.

Improving lean muscle mass, not only looks good, but the more lean muscle you have the more calories you burn, even at rest. Another win-win for weight management. More muscles generally equates  to less fat, and less fat helps with heart health.

You don’t have to use weights either. There are some great resistance bands available today. You can use resistance bands at home as well. They store away easy, and you can exercise whenever you want, or as much as you want. As long as your doctors approve,  strength training have many benefits for the heart, and should be seriously considered as a go to exercise.

Exercise Is Good For The Heart

Whatever exercise you choose it will be good for your heart, compared to living a sedentary lifestyle. According to the World Health Organisation, (WHO), “A sedentary lifestyle, increases all causes of mortality, doubles the risks of cardiovascular disorders,diabetes, and obesity, and increases the risks of colon cancer, High blood pressure, osteoporosis, lipid disorders, depression and anxiety”

Movement & Exercise Is The Key To A Healthy Heart

For many the concept of daily exercise is going to a daunting thought. It doesn’t need to be, at all. No-one expects you to spend everyday going to a gym, working out for hours at a time. But daily movement has got to be a must. 30 minutes per day, every day is an achievable target. Park the car at the far end of the carpark, when doing your weekly shopping, or going to work. Just add on an extra 300-500 meters. It all adds up to extra movement!

Take the stairs, not the lift, especially these days with Covid, not only safer, but those stairs will really help improve heart health. Other ideas for getting moving more include, walking the dog, cleaning the house, doing some gardening,  or meet up with friends for a group walk. The main thing is to just get moving every day!

As A final word of caution, DO NOT FORGET to consult your doctor or cardiologist before starting an exercise routine if you have a current heart condition. Adhering to the above advice on exercise and movement, and talking to a doctor or cardiologist, if you haven’t already done so, you’ll be able to ensure your heart stays as healthy as it possibly can.  


Philip Eley – The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan – Sunderland

📞 07827447247



#BeMoreEley #TheHouseofEley #CambridgeDiet #One2OneDiet #Weightlosssupport #health #nutrition 

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Weight-Loss Never Goes From A -Z

Wouldn’t it be brilliant if losing weight was really easy, and weight-loss simply followed a straight line in a downwards direction. Oh God, don’t you just wish! But unfortunately we don’t live in a utopian world. We have to work hard to achieve what we want, and sometimes, especially with weight loss, it’s kind of like, 3 steps forward, one step back. Which can be heartbreaking if you’ve worked hard at the diet all week.

Realities Of Weight-loss

As we embark on a weight-loss journey it’s important to understand right from the start, that our weight will fluctuate up and down throughout. Even on a daily basis, your weight will be different in the morning, afternoon and evening. Everything you eat and drink has weight. Yes the body processes these, but it takes time. Therefore fluctuations are inevitable. It’s just how the body works, and it’s not something to worry about.

Diets And Sustainability

There’s many diets available to utilise for weight-loss. EG:- Paleo, Ketogenic, The Mediterranean diet, Meal Replacement Products, High Protein diet, Vegetarian, intermittent fasting, Noom, and Plant based diets, the list is exhaustive.

Most of these diets work well in varying degrees, there’s no right or wrong, it’s what works best for you. But the diets themselves are not the problem. Its what happens after it ends! Is the weight you have lost sustainable and maintainable? Or will you steadily regain it in the coming weeks or months?

Too many diets simply concentrate on just one goal, that of losing the excess pounds and inches. Whilst ultimately that is the aim throughout your journey, the question I would ask, “Is it sustainable”?

Lifestyle Changes

When embarking on a weight-loss journey I would challenge you to reconsidered what your ultimate aim of the journey was all about.

  • Is it to lose excess pounds long-term or short-term?
  • Do you want to do this over and over again? (Yep… YOYOING)
  • Would you like this to be the last diet you ever do?
  • Is a lifestyle change a better option for you?

Dieting is all well and good, but rarely sustainable. Whereas lifestyle changes are not only sustainable and easy to maintain, they often offer a greater freedom to everyday living!

Use Diets As A Vehicle For Weight Loss 

If you accept the premise that a lifestyle change has so much more to offer long-term, then climb aboard the diet vehicle! If you simply use your weight-loss journey as a diet vehicle to get from A to Z, but learn about nutrition and sustainability along the way, then you’ll never need to repeat this journey ever again. But let me say that again.

You must learn about how nutrition really works, and how to fuel your body correctly, as your journey progresses from start to finish. Is a bit like sitting on the train from Sunderland to London. You can sit and stare out the window the whole journey, and learn nothing. Or you could read and/or study throughout the journey and be better educated upon arrival in London.

Healthy Living

Nutritional education allows you the freedom to live your life healthy and without restrictions. It would be no fun living on just chicken and rice from a plastic container day in, day out. Life is for living and having as much fun as possible.

Eating out, induldging in pizza, wine and a few treats along the way is important. So by building healthy habits throughout your journey, learning what real nutrition is all about, will give you that freedom to live life on your own terms, without worrying about weight gain.

Lifestyle change does not mean that you have to be starving yourself either. Foods that provide the right nutrients, will nourish you and keep you well satiated. Keep your focus on lean proteins, with ample greens and pulses, at the same time reducing sugar and processed carbs.

Strength training, lifting weights or using resistant bands is 100% the best way to build lean muscles, and raises your metabolism, which in turn burns more calories at rest. Building lean muscle will get your body working for you, not against you. Burning excess calories at rest, by increasing your overall muscle mass, really helps in maintaining your weight at the level you want, without any additional effort on your part. 

In addition it is a well know fact that exercise, any exercise, improves both physical and mental health as well as helping to reduce anxiety and stress.  

Diet or Lifestyle Change? It’s your choice!

There’s a number of choices you need to make. Firstly you’ll need to decide ‘WHY’ you’re embarking on this journey. Then decide where you want to end up, and roughly how long you’re prepared for this to happen. 

Then you’ll need to decide if it’s going to be just another diet, or is it going to be a more sustainable lifestyle choice this time!

Once those choices have been decided, it’s time to decide upon which vehicle you’re going to climb aboard. 

There’s no journey that’s going to run smoothly from start to finish. So if you chose wisely, your vehicle of choice will come equipped with a co-pilot. Your very own One2One Support Consultant, to help, guide and cheer you on from start to finish. It’s like a shoulder to lean on when the going gets a little tough. 

The best advice I can give you, is to choose very carefully. Look for someone who has travelled the same journey that you’re about to embark upon. They’ll understand the process clearer and be in a better position to offer advice, help and direction. 

Should you wish to discuss an upcoming jouney, or just to see what your options are for a future date, I’m available most days for a chat. 


Philip Eley – The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan – Sunderland📞 07827447247



#BeMoreEley #TheHouseofEley #CambridgeDiet #One2OneDiet #weightloss 

One Big Reason

One Big Reason

So what’s your ‘One Big Reason‘ to lose weight?

Everyone has their own reasons that motivate them to lose some weight. For some it’s health related, maybe to avoid or reverse Type 2 Diabetes, help with sleeping, or thyroid issues. For others their ‘one big reason’ it’s family related, others maybe it’s a body image thing, and how you feel about yourself. Whatever your reason, it has to be ‘BIG’ for you to really succeed in your weight-loss journey.

Putting your ‘One Big Reason’ To The Test

Putting your motivation to the test. Losing weight can be hard at times and you need determination to help keep you on track. Giving in to temptation, oh its just one cheat meal, it’s just alcohol,  it won’t matter. Will it? These are the tests that determine if your reason for losing weight is big enough. If it matters, really matters to you, then it won’t let you give in and be tempted. It will be like the soldier’s who guard Buckingham Palace. Unmovable, determined, resilient and totally unbreakable. These brave soldier’s would give their lives to protect the queen. If your reason is this big, then nothing will stand in your way, or tempt you away from reaching your weight-loss goals. If they’re not this big, then they’re the wrong reasons. You’ll need to find the right reason if you really want to achieve great results.

Backed By Research

Recently, research has found that having specifically strong motivations to embark on your journey to lose weight, yields far better results over anyone who is less motivated. But you knew this already. Think back to anytime you started a project, a hobby, a sport, anything at all. If you started half heartedly, you probably gave up before you really got past the beginning.

But… if it was something that motivated you, really motivated you, something that got your blood moving, got you excited, something you got enthusiastic about, well, I bet bottom dollar you achieved success and pushed on right through the hard times. Why? Because you were motivated. You really want it!

It’s What Makes The Difference 

Having real motivation, big reasons to do something, these get you past any obstacles, temptations, and curved balls that are thrown at you along the way. Now imagine that kind of unstoppable motivation, your soldier guarding you against whatever comes your way, now add to that personal One2One Support from yours truly. OMG you’d be unstoppable

If you want to find out how my 121 support and The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan can really help you achieve your goals, contact me to see your options. 

Philip Eley – The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan – Sunderland

📞 07827447247



#BeMoreEley #TheHouseofEley #CambridgeDiet #One2OneDiet #OneBigReason

Organising your Meal Replacement Products

Organising Your Meal Replacement Products

 How do you organise your Meal Replacement Products?

Recently I’ve been asking clients what they do with there meal replacement products when they get them home. For example, did they just put them in a cupboard, a draw, maybe a box or did they have a more organised system in place?

Everyone did similar things to the about , with nothing specially really thought about. But I noticed a strange thing amongst the more successful dieters. Clients who had lost the most weight week after week.

I found it confusing at first, as everyone was having similar products. Then it dawned on me why!

So I chatted again with my clients and asked them to keep an honest food dairy. The results were conclusive.  Those clients that planned their meals each day, put them to one side ready to use that dat were the most successful.

Why? If you allocate a set amount for the day, based on your step plan, and put it to one side, because it’s so visible, you really do achieve better results. So here’s a few ideas to really help out and keep you on track.


It’s best to decide what you are having each day, and put them to one side ready to grab when needed throughout the day. This includes your meal replacement products and if you’re having an additional meal, prep that in advance as well, where possible. (Or have all the ingredients set to one side in readiness).


This can help you with building healthy habits of planning & organising what you eat every day! (Brilliant for calorie control diets)


This in turn will help you after your weight-loss journey reaches its goal. By building health habits throughout your journey it will help you maintain your weight for years to come. As you plan each days meals, meal products as well as everyday food you build you learn about portion sizes and nutrition within the food you’re preparing.


By planning and being organised in this way every day, you also remove the temptation of going off plan and sabotaging your weight loss goals, by snacking. If its not in the basket its simply not available to eat! (Believe me it really works!)

The most successful clients said that by do this they could see where they were and the temptation to stray off plan was removed from thought.

Organising Your Meal Replacement Products 

Every weight loss journey needs a helping hand, 121 support from your diet consultant is very important, but organisation and planning has to be number 1 on the to-do list. And as they say… Fail to plan – Plan to fail.

But we’re more organised here at The 1:1 Diet. ‘WE DON’T FAIL’  So follow these steps to get organised and you’re bound to see some great results in no time at all.

For more Information and to get your journey started with my full 121 support throughout, contact me for a chat.


Philip Eley – The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan – Sunderland

📞 07827447247



#BeMoreEley #TheHouseofEley #CambridgeDiet #One2OneDiet #MealReplacementProducts 

Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water

Lemon Water

Benefits Of Lemon Water

5 Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning 

I did a little digging and found out that lemon water actually does a bunch of great things for your body.

  • It jump-starts your digestive system

    Drinking warm water with lemon stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, making your body better able to absorb nutrients and pass food through your system with ease. In addition, lemons works to relieve heartburn and bloating.
  • It could help you lose weight. (What a bonus!)

    Lemons contain pectin, a fiber that supports weight loss by keeping cravings at bay. Sip on this concoction between your 1:1 Diet products for a little extra help!
  • It boosts your immune system.

    Hello, vitamin C. Always a good thing for fighting off illness. Just keep in mind that your natural levels are prone to drop when you’re stressed, making you more likely to be sick, so it’s advisable to up your intake during particularly crazy times.
  • It improves your skin.

    Vitamin C is also important for skin, as it plays an important role in collagen synthesis (which boosts skin’s elasticity), and repairs damaged cells. On top of that, warm lemon water has astringent properties, which could help to heal blemishes and even scars from past blemishes.
  • It reduces inflammation.

    If you’ve ever dealt with sore joints, you might have a uric acid buildup. Warm lemon water just so happens to dissolve that.

Apart from adding great tasting flavour to your daily water intake, it seems to have some outstanding additional health benefits. But my favourite is in the helping hand you get when it comes to weight-loss.

Don’t misunderstand, i’m not saying that drinking Lemon Water every day, is going to be some form of miraculous cure for all alignments, or for dramatically increasing weight-loss, but it will add a great taste to your daily water, and if it has other benefits, then that’s an even bigger bonus.


Philip Eley – The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan – Sunderland

📞 07827447247



#BeMoreEley #TheHouseofEley #CambridgeDiet #One2OneDiet #LemonWater

Summer Bodies Are Made In Winter

Summer Bodies Are Made In Winter

Summer bodies are made in winter

Thats right, Summer bodies ‘ARE’ made in winter!

So Don’t Hibernate, Get Moving!

As the first days of winter set in, and although it’s very tempting to take up a permanent residence on the sofa with some hot chocolate…….NO!!! Absolutely NOT!!! You have to remind yourself that in order to avoid the winter weight gain, you need to stay focused and stick to a sensible workout and diet program.
Summer bodies are made in the winter, right?

Here are some tips to help keep you on track!

Move. Every single day! 

Aim for 20 to 30 minutes of moderate exercise, walking, (a great idea), a gentle jog or a daily bike ride, nothing to strenuous, (unless that’s your bag), or stay home on the exercise bike or stepper. Just as long as you move everyday. Not only does it get your blood moving and increase your heart rate, (which in turn improves your heart health), it boosts your metabolism. Meaning more calories burnt. And as a result helps get us summer body ready, in the heart of winter.

Plus remember….

Although it’s cold out, it is so important to get outside everyday for some fresh air. Especially since outdoor workouts tend to burn more calories. The cold causes your body to regulate your temperature better meaning you can exercise for longer and burn more calories. So Don’t let the cold keep you inside! Well not too often.

Strength Training!

You should aim to do strength training at least 2 to 4 times per week.
A routine of training your back, shoulders, arms, legs, chest and core. Why? Because muscle mass/density, (basically the more you have the better), burns more calories at rest than fat, so don’t skip out on the weights. This is something you’ll really benefit from big time! Imagine training your muscles 2-4 times a week, for say just 30-45 minutes each session, and then as you improve muscle mass, they in turn workout for you every day 24/7 burning those calories. Not a bad deal really!

Stay focused and be consistent! Add to your calendar as a reminder to move!

Contact me to find all the answers to your questions and get a date in the diary to get your journey started.

Philip Eley – The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan – Sunderland

📞 07827447247


#BeMoreEley #TheHouseofEley #CambridgeDiet #One2OneDiet #Weightlosssupport #Summerbodiesaremadeinwinter