Christmas Diet Challenge

The Christmas Diet Challenge

OMG… Christmas Dinner, with turkey, stuffing, pigs in blankets, all those wonderful trimmings, and yes, those controversial brussel sprouts as well. The magnificent christmas pudding, set alight with Rum, (or Brandy, if you prefer), with even more Rum added to the sauce, (smells gorgeous, and my taste buds are dancing at the thought), has hardly been digested. Christmas Diet ChallengeThen, the dreaded diet word has already landed on everyone’s lips. But this year is going to be different. I started my Christmas Diet Challenge on the 27th September. Yes, 12 full weeks before the big day.

Why A 12 Week Christmas Diet Challenge?

Well, 12 weeks is plenty of time to lose those extra few pounds I’ve gained, like half the country, throughout lockdown. And by calling it my Christmas diet challenge, it gives me a really good focal point, and a really big ‘WHY‘ My reason for doing it. Which should see me through! Plus, autumn has arrived, and we all know what that means, less outdoor activities and even more hot delicious food. Sounds great doesn’t it. Mmmm… But…! Not for the waistline.

So by focusing on a Christmas Challenge, dropping a few of those excess pounds, not only am I getting a really good head start before Christmas arrives, but I’m also doing a fantastic job at weight management. And let’s face it, the colder, autumn/winter months, can really mess up our plans when it comes to weight-loss management, if we take our eye off the ball.

My Big Reason

But the real biggie for me. I can relax and enjoy Christmas with the family, without the worry of gaining so much weight that guilt ruins it for me. I want to enjoy Christmas, and be able to over indulge, if I want to. Mince pies, sweets, the tins of chocolates, and please, let’s not forget the shortbread biscuits.

Doing my diet challenge in the 12 weeks leading up to Christmas, has so many extra benefits. Ever hered the saying, “It’s to late shutting the stable door, after the horse got out” Well its kind of true. It easier losing weight because you really want to. It’s also easier if you have a big goal to work towards. But let’s clarify that a little. It’s never to late to start, there’s just easy times to start.

So How’s It Going?

Well, I started on Step 2, that’s 3 products per day, of around 200 calories each. Then a regular meal of about the same 200 calories. So 800kcals per day. I’ve set myself a target of 21 pounds, (1.5 stone). And I plan to move up the Steps in the last 4 weeks. Christmas Diet challenge The first 3 weeks went basically to plan. I was really pleased with my losses, slow and steady, and dropping as planned. Half a Stone in 3 weeks, (7pounds), I was well on target.

A third of the way to goal and only 25% of the time. Brilliant! Week 4 however, slight hiccup! Well, sometimes life just gets in way. Family, meetings, birthdays, then there’s the self sabotaging, that’s the worst. I think it comes from boredom, you’re not hungry,  just bored! I gained 2 pounds, I was devastated. This would have derailed me years ago, but not this time. I dusted myself off, reminded myself why I was doing it, and got right back on it .

Mindset Adjustment Sorted 

Week 5 was brilliant I lost 5 pounds. Got the 2 I gained, back off, and added another 3 to the minus column. Week 5 was a great week and refocused my determination to reach goal. Just goes to show that if your readjust your mindset and re-focus, little mistakes, stay as little mistakes.

There’s no need for complete derailment. Week 6 was another 2 pounds off. I’m now at minus 12 pound in 6 weeks, so back on target again. I’ve also noticed I’m sleeping better again, which as a effect of losing weight, is a pleasant bonus! Week 7 saw just 1 pound, its another loss, so the trend is still going towards a great Christmas. Christmas Diet Challenge week 8 Week 8 and it’s a brilliant 4 pounds lost. I’m so pleased I’m doing this Christmas Diet Challenge. Its going to be a brilliant Christmas this year. A total so far of 17 pounds lost and only 4 more to reach target.

Moving Up The Steps

Week 9 will see a change in plan, as I’m moving to step 3. This will allow an extra 200 calories every day, giving me a new daily calorie intake of 1000. But the best part is that I can still continue to lose weight. While at the same time indulging in a few extra calories.This will allow my body to become familiar with a little extra regular food every day. Stepping up this way allows the body to adapt slowly, and really benefits you long term for good weight management.

In addition, the extra calories will allow for a little more exercise, mainly strength training, resistance bands in particular. Resistance training helps maintain muscle, and the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest. In my mind it’s a double bonus. Look good and feel fitter, and at the same time my body starts working for me by burning the fat while I’m resting.

What Have I Been Eating? Well, I’m Pleased You Asked!

As you know, I’m on The Cambridge Diet, (actually, its The 1:1 Diet now), and it’s meal replacement products. About 3 and a half years ago when I did my weight-loss journey, I mainly had the apple and cinnamon porridge, and a few bars. I was never adventurous enough to try all the other meals in the range. The Porridge worked for me, it was fulfilling, and I hardly ever felt hungry, so the old saying, if it ain’t broke… came to mind!

Mixing It Up This Time

This time is a little different. I’m mixing it up a bit, and loving it. I’m still enjoying my porridge,Really tasty soups but I’m having the mixed berry and the original as well this time. Soups are great as well, especially the Chicken ‘n’ Mushroom and the Vegetable with Croutons. If you like noodles, there’s the Chicken Noodle Soup, and for a taste of Asia, don’t forget the Oriental Chilli Soup.

Loving the savoury meals Loving the savoury meals as well. Regularly having Mac Cheese, Spag Bol and Tikka Vhicken Curry. Again, im finding they’re satisfying my hunger, are really tasty and there’s a great variety of to choose from. Sometimes I have the Thai green curry with noodles, as a side dish, with baked cod or smoked haddock. A few florets of cauliflower and broccoli, and it’s like being out for dinner. Certainly doesn’t feel like I’m on a diet trying to lose weight before Christmas.

So much To Choose From

Smoothie's to die for!Some days I don’t fancy a savoury meal or soup, so I go with a shake or smoothie. The Blackcurrant and Apple smoothie wins my vote, mind you, the strawberry and banana with oats, comes in a close second. For chocolate lovers, there’s the chocolate, or chocolate mint shakes, there nice, but I’m not really a big chocolate fan. And if I’m out and about, I take a bar with me. So convenient, and really helps stop temptation if I’ve popped in somewhere for a pot of tea. My favourites have always been the apple and cinnamon and lemon yoghurt bars.

New Products

But the new Cookies and Cream bar, is definitely moving up the charts, in the last few weeks. On a side note, the new Sweet ‘n’ Sour with noodles, savoury meal, has this week, hit the number 1 spot. It’s great with roasted chicken breast and green beens. With these new products being added to the range, I’m not sure if I want this challenge to ever end.

But… Back To The Christmas Diet Challenge

With the challenge being two thirds complete, only 4 weeks of the original 12 weeks left, and my weight loss being well on track, ahead really, I’m kind of thinking, this Christmas is going to be brilliant. No worrying about putting a few pounds on, or not enjoying an extra portion of Christmas pudding with Rum sauce. No, this Christmas is going to be fantastic.

And after all the restrictions, and lockdowns, it really needs to be extra special this year, for everyone!

So if I only lose just 1 pound each week, for the next 4 weeks I’ve hit target. But you know what, I’m guessing that I’m going to smash my original target, and probably lose an extra 3 – 5 pounds. Which isn’t a bad result, as I’m definitely having seconds on the Christmas pudding!

A Few Clients Have Joined The Christmas Diet Challenge

This year a good number of clients have joined me in the Christmas Challenge, and the results are amazing! Two clients have already smashed there target’s, losing over 2 and a half stone each. Another 3 clients are very close to losing 2 stone. And 4 have just reached a stone and a half. I’m so pleased for everyone who is taking part, and the difference it’s making to their lives. I really think its going to be a wonderful Christmas this year.

It’s Not Too Late To Join The Challenge 

For anyone thinking it’s too late to join the Christmas Diet Challenge, it’s not! There’s still 4 weeks until the big day, ample time to drop quite a few pound along the way. If you’re interested, then please get in touch for a chat about your options.

I hope everyone has a brilliant Christmas this year, and hopefully you’ve been good enough for Santa to treat you extra special.

P.S… I’ll update you in the new year how the next 4 weeks go!  Merry Christmas everyone!


Philip Eley – The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan – Sunderland

📞 07827447247



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