One2One Support

Why is ‘One2One Support’ so essential?

Anyone who has ever gone on a diet, only to give up, start again, give up again, whenever it started getting tough, then you should aware that personal ‘One2One Support‘ could have been the difference you really needed to succeed!

I’m talking about the support you get from someone who has been there, done the diet, delt with the temptations, suffered the hard times, and won, and won big-time! Someone who really knows what you’re going through. Someone who’s felt the pain you’re going through to lose the weight, not just to get healthy, but develop healthy habits, or just to look and feel like yourself again.

Not just someone who can relate, understand, or emphasise, but most of all, someone who can cheer you on in the right direction. Someone who can get you from where you are now, to where you want to be. That’s what One2One Support is all about!

Mind Games

Losing weight, dieting, slimming, toning-up, call it want you want, it’s more a mind game than being hard. 90% of the time you’re fighting yourself, not the diet. When your body is craving food, and you’re on a calorie restricted diet, your mind starts to torment you. Thats its job, its telling you to eat, fuel the body, FEEEEED ME!!!!

But you don’t have to give in. You won’t stave to death, you won’t suffer any major problems, you’re just cutting down, restricting your calories, that’s all. And in a few days, 3-5 maybe, it gets the message. It doesn’t totally stop trying, tempting you, here and there, now and again, that’s where 2 things start to become more important. Determination, yes, very important. But, One2One Support, is vitality important.

One2One Support

When times get tough, really tough, sometimes determination is simply not enough. 121 Support can get you though the hard days more than you realise. Over eating, obesity, has recently been associated as an addiction. Similar to alcoholism if you like. And as personal support has worked successfully for decades with alcoholics, it is also a major part of the success system in achieving great results with weight-loss.

Don’t get me wrong, you have to want it, really want it, but 121 support, added to determination, creates a collaboration for success that’s hard to beat. Ask anyone that’s lost more than a significant amount of weight, if personal One2One support was important throughout their weight-loss journey, and you’ll get a 100% resounding YES!!!  

Want help with your weight-loss journey? I’m just a phone call away!

Philip Eley – The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan – Sunderland

📞 07827447247



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